The Sexual Health Centre provides information, counselling and support in matters of sexual health, sexuality and wellbeing, a rapid-testing clinic and Monday-Friday Helpline

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The GUM / STI clinic provides free STI screening. It is under the governance of the HSE and located at South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital.

YHS provides sexual health services, STI testing and counselling for people under 23 years old.

Gay Project seeks to ensure that gay, bi+, MSM (men who have sex with men), queer and trans men are enabled to participate fully in Ireland’s social, economic, cultural, political and artistic life.

LINC aims to improve the quality of life, health and well-being of all women who identify as lesbian or bisexual in Ireland.

Sexual Violence Centre, previously Cork Rape Crisis Service, has been providing services to victims of sexual violence in Cork city and County for over 33 years.

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The Sexual Assault Treatment Unit is a dedicated unit where clients who have experienced Rape or sexual assault can be examined and treated in a holistic way.

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The Infectious Diseases service provides care for patients with known or suspected infections, viral hepatitis, travel-related and immuno-compromised hosts infections, including HIV.

The local Department of Public Health provides Health Protection Services including in the area of Sexual Health, advocates and contributes to Health Improvement, and participates in Health Service Development.

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Sexual health promotion, education and prevention through training, information dissemination, advice and support.


The Union of Students in Ireland is the national representative body for the 374,000 students in third level education on the Island of Ireland.

sexualwellbeing.png is a portal for the information on sexual health, wellbeing and support services available from the HSE.


Man2Man is a national HIV Prevention & Sexual Health Awareness programme targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) in Ireland.

MTU Cork Students Union

UCC Students Union

Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre provide experienced professional counselling and supports to anyone who has experienced any sexually abusive incident at any time in their lives.

Listowel Family Resource Centre is part of Ireland’s largest family support programme. offers free, discreet and confidential home STI testing for every county across Ireland.

Student Medical Centre, Munster Technological University ,Cork, provides sexual health services including free STI testing and contraception to all full-time students attending MTU Cork.